i-scream documentation viewer


Minutes of Meeting, 23/10/2000 @ 10:30 / 2.00
Location: UKC Computer Science Meeting Room

Present: ab11, ajm4, pjm2, tdb1
Absent: none

Initial discussion was on the first deliverable for the
project. This consists of an initial plan of the project,
including rough outlines of the types of deliverables
required and estimated time due to be spent on each section
of the project.

It was estimated that a total of 1000 hours would be spend
on the project.

Tim managed to untie the computer security cables without
breaking the plastic cable-ties. It was decided that this 
was  a *real* achievement and thus should be noted in these 

Meeting is concluded @ 12:00

Meeting was re-convened @ 2.00pm. The plan was finished off 
with more detailed hours being placed on each section. It 
was printed and delivered to iau, giving him time to review 
it prior to the meeting on Wednesday.

Meeting was concluded at 3.15pm.