i-scream documentation viewer


Minutes of Meeting, 06/11/2000 @ 10:00
Location: UKC Computer Science Meeting Room

Present: pjm2, tdb1
One hour Late: ajm4
Absent: ab11

Absentee(s): Unable to attend due to illnes and bad meeting
             planning by the group as a whole.

The way in which CORBA will be sending information around
the server system was discussed.

The filters will parse incoming XML sent via UDP and create
an XMLPacket object.  These objects are used to convey each
host's information around the CORBA system.  The object will
provide accessors to an array of parameter name/value pairs.

Strategies for configuration distribution were discussed.
The Logger class from last year's project is expected to
make a reappearance in this current project.  The main
core of the server will have work put into it this week.

For the timebeing, we shall only be sending XML data that
*does not* contain nested values.

  Things that must be done before next Monday: -
  (oh yes, we're starting to implement bits...)

  ab11: -
In this person's absence, it was decided that they may write
the test host application (in Java).  This program shall
connect to a specified server and send arbitrary non-nested
XML data via UDP.
(As per the 1st XML example at minutes/minutes-20001101.txt)

  ajm4 and tdb1: -
Define a method of configuration distribution and produce
the configurator.  Adapt last year's Logger class as
appropriate. Both the configurator and the logger should be
registering themselves with the CORBA name service. It may
also be ncessary to write the CORE module of the server on
which the rest resides. IDL definitions required.

  pjm2: -
Create the server's Filter class.  This will accept incoming
UDP connections and parse the XML data received.  Create a
separate XMLPacketMaker class to be used by Filter - this
will be used to create the XMLPacket object for each
incoming connection, providing a way of passing information 
about the CORBA system.  Complete as much of this as 
possible before next Monday.

Meeting was concluded @ 13:00.  Next meeting arranged for 
Wednesday 8th November 14:00-17:00, directly after our
meeting with iau at 13:30 that day.