i-scream documentation viewer


Minutes of meeting 22/11/00 @ 3pm
Location: UKC Computer Science Meeting Room

Present: ab11, ajm4, pjm2, tdb1
Absent: None

The meeting was short due to a prior engagement at 4pm.

The group reviewed the current progress of the server and 
produced a detailed diagram of the current state of the 
system. This allowed the group to clearly identify the parts 
that needed to be finished off, and familiarise everyone 
with how things are fitting together.

AJ & Tim agreed to finish of parts of the Filter Manager, 
and the Filter. This should all be completed for Monday.

Paul is to start some preparation work for the database part 
of the system. He will look at how things fit together with 
regard to Java, mySQL and PHP.

For information, here the details of our mySQL database 
currently on raptor.

    Database server: raptor.ukc.ac.uk
    Database name: co600_10_db

    Username: co600_10
    Password: ...as if I'd put it on the website ?

To get started with the database the following command would 
probably be quite useful;

    mysql --database=co600_10_db -u co600_10 -p

A password will be prompted for.

Paul suggested that some time needs to be put into coming up 
with a design for the database. This should be discussed 
further at the next meeting.

Finally Ash said he should be able to have the Java host 
ready for Monday.

The group agreed that Monday would be a good point in the 
development process to have a code review session. This is 
so that all group members are aware of the processes 
involved in the whole system, and how it fits together. It 
will also bring out issues such as coding standards and 
design issues that should be consistent across all code.

The next meeting will be on Monday afternoon at 2pm. The 
group concluded that the morning meeting was pointless due 
to constant difficulties with people getting there, and 
other commitments in the later parts of the morning.