i-scream documentation viewer


Minutes of meeting 12/02/2001 @ 3pm
Location: UKC Computer Science Meeting Room

Present: ab11, ajm4, pjm2, tdb1

The meeting began with a review of the last two weeks, as 
all members were not present at the last meeting. However, a 
lot of these points were covered during the last minutes. AJ 
told the group about the new "service checks" that were 
implemented in the Filter system. These allowed checking of 
typical system services (WWW, FTP, SMTP, etc), the results 
being wrapped in XML in a heartbeat packet.

Tim had implemented the Queue monitoring system, and gave 
the group brief details of the packet layout. Ash requested 
some help with compiling a C++ socket library, which would 
hopefully allow the network parts to be hooked into the 
host. He also said development of the windows parts were 
progressing, but that the network stuff was also needed 

Discussions were started about how the data from the service 
checks would be displayed. Tim and Paul discussed if any 
historical data could be generated, and Ash suggested a CGI 
script. Tim pointed out that there wasn't even any basic 
functionality in a local client yet, and this needed to be 
done first. He suggested the local client just pump data out 
to some text form (be it, csv, xml, html, etc) in the first 
instance, and then expand this afterwards.

Over the next week, or so, the group agreed that things 
should be pulled together. AJ said he would bring the 
client, conient, to a complete point, and put some of the 
"funky" features on hold. Paul said he would finish of the 
database reports, and look at archiving/cleaning the 
database. Tim said he would look at the overall design of 
the local client, and implement it with a very modular 
design. Ash said, with the socket library compiled, that he 
would get the host working, and maybe look at CGI's for 
displaying service checks.

AJ brought up the issue of configuration grouping. It was 
shown before that it was needed, but it could be done 
without. Now that service checks have been implemented it 
was becoming even more apparent that it was required. AJ 
said he would look into doing this.

The group realised that not only was time running short, but 
everyone had a lot of other commitments too. The group 
agreed that completion of coding over the next week or two 
would be a good idea, as there are many other deliverables 
to be completed.

There will be a meeting with Ian at 2.15 on Wednesday, and a 
usual meeting on Monday at 2.15 (we have DEFINATELY booked 
it this time).